Thursday, December 1, 2011

Coaching Meeting December 1

December 1, 2011
1.)    What leadership style do you have?
a.       Circle-worried about people in the group
b.      Square-administrative
c.       Squiggle-creative person
d.      Triangle-task-oriented
e.      Rectangle-go one way and then another
2.)    Google Calendar Updates
a.       Received an example copy
b.      How to print the “agenda” with descriptions
3.)    Learning Stations
a.       Share out
b.      4 “tips and tricks”
                                                               i.      Plan in advance for misconceptions
                                                             ii.      Look for and foster “breakthroughs”
                                                            iii.      Look for different entry points into problems
                                                           iv.      Look for important conversations that will build future learning
4.)    Backwards Design Process
a.       What experiences do children need to have? In order to be successful
b.      If you teach them how to gain and understand a concept you can help them keep it forever
c.       CCSS is a very rich curriculum
d.      Coaches complete the BDP with standard: 5.NF.5
                                                               i.      Read and discuss standard
                                                             ii.      Complete task (think pair share)
1.       Curt and Ian both ran a mile. Curt’s time was 8/9 Ian’s time. Who ran faster? Explain and draw a picture.
                                                            iii.      Standards for Mathematical practices are demonstrated when performing this task?
5.)    Broke up into groups to work on different standards
6.)    Presentations
a.       Grade (8 à K)
b.      Standard
c.       Task
d.      What kids need to know
e.      Learning resources
f.        How to implement this backwards design with the teachers

Monday, November 28, 2011


That's right! Now you can scan, save, and send me along to all of your favorite people! During this wonderfully relaxing Thanksgiving Holiday I was talking with a family friend and he was telling me about a long-term project he is working on with his college students. They are taking a piece of machinery apart and filming each individual part, how it works, how to replace it, etc... then when they put it back together again they will stick QR codes on each part so that he can then use this piece of machinery as a tool for teaching!

So the first question is... "What is a QR code?" A QR code is just like a bar code. It is a graphic representation of a lot of information that computers and scanners can figure out. If someone has a smartphone they can use apps (like ATTScanner) and scan the QR code. Then information is brought up on their Smartphone. You can print off these QR codes and post them anywhere! I can just imagine handing out business cards now with my name... and my QR code!! How exciting!! So without further delay: here I am! Scan me, save me, send me!! :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

CIV Meeting 9/29/11

So today we listened to a teleconference with the ADE and Linda Griffith. I wanted to share the wonderful info I received today with you!


Future Meeting Dates
December 1
February 29th
May 16

Meeting is for Administrators, Math instructional facilitators, and Math content leaders

Problem types – Linda Griffith

·         K-8 need entire CCSS document- do not hand out in pieces
o   The temptation is to look at the standards in isolation but teachers need to look at grades before and after
o   Teachers need to understand how they fit
o   Teaching math is a relay race- the baton starts with K and gets handed to 1st- we can’t keep starting over each year, we have to trust now that they have less to do and a focus, we have to trust that the teachers before are doing what they need to do
o   PLCs are going to need to be across grade bands
·         AR Frameworks vs. CCSS
o   written by AR teachers FOR AR teachers
§  Mostly K-4 teachers
§  Teachers put in END results and little steps getting to the end goals
o   Proficiency levels have increased dramatically since 2004 but it is time to take the next step forward
o   CCSS written by the national working group and a three person writing team
o   Youtube video- the hunt institute
·         PROBLEM: We have treated all strands equally important, but they are not
o   CCSS- the most important thing(K-4) is help students develop number and operation
·         PROBLEM: There is no ONE problem or set of released items – use them to help understand the mathematics ideals and recognize when they are hidden in different contexts
·         PROBLEM: “We will be done by Christmas” we need to stay longer with topics to work within a set of numbers with the mathematical process standards
·         PROBLEM: textbooks have (1) not have enough problems (2) they will all be result unknown problems
o   All teachers need to be able to create these problems on the fly
·         Progressions
o   ***Content Progressions -  easy to find posted on the website
§  Narrative documents describing the progressions of a topic across a number of grade levels informed both by research on children’s cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics
§  Elaboration or illumination of the standards
§  Mccullum’s website-
§  The writers tried to make a compact document and then a more descriptive document
o   ***Learning Progressions – Where kids are in a progression to help you design an assessment (what is the learner doing)
§  harder to find the key to these is working in your plc and thinking through your experience and understandings, testing in a classroom, and then coming back to share- ina period of years there will be a whole bunch of learning progressions
§  Four interrelated guiding principales of learning progressions
·         LPs are developed and refined using available research and evidence
·         LPs have clear binding threads that articulate the essential core concepts and processes of a discipline “big ideas”
·         LPs
·         Big confusement with assessment and teaching. Giving an assessment and then grading it and handing it back to students is not teaching
o   Do not summative assess every day as your teaching
o   Formative assessment is embedded – don’t write it in your grade book all the time- get into a students’ mind to learn how they are thinking about problems
§  What will help this student move from this learning progression to the next learning progression
o   The most important assessment is not going to happen by practicing all the time
o   Stop and look carefully at work and listen to what they are saying orally
o   We’ve got to pay attention to student cognition
o   A timed test may determine if a student
§  Fuency development over time
·         Direct modeleing
·         Development of strategies
·         Moving on with imbedded practice
o   *Learning Trajectories – what teaching act is
§  Constructivists approach to learning progressions- more centered around the learner
o   Construct Maps – describe how children come to understand
§  Richard Lehrer – Vanderbilt (seems very piaget kinda guy)
§  Constance Kamii was Dr. Piaget’s last student
·         University of Alabama
·         She wanted to know how far up the line can you go with children constructing all their own knowledge
·         Students will remember and own understandings they create
·         Standards and curriculum
o   Standard is the goal
§  Standards drive curriculum
§  They do not give the learning progression necessary to achieve this goal
§  We will have to design learning trajectories for every standard for every grade
o   The curriculum is a plan for achieving the goal
§  Curriculum leads to meeting standards
o   Summative assessments measure the degree to which your curriculum is meeting your needs
o   Formative assessments inform next steps
·         Formative Assessments should determine that students are not in the same place as other students within the curriculum we need to either respond or intervene
·         We must attend to each students cognition at each step in the instructional sequence
·         Elementary level most have been through PD called cognitively guided instruction- but you need to make sure your instruction is guided and informed by the current thinking of the class
Page 88 and 89 - Operation Action (CGI)
·         She is afraid the K -2 examples on page 88 and 3-5 on page 89 will be taken as not applying to other grades
·         Additon and subtraction
o   Start/change/end
o   Putting in/taking out
o   Add to/take from – CCSS language
·         Additon and subtraction II
·         Addition and subtraction III
o   Absolute comparion
o   Compare
·         Add to/Result Unknown
o   8 + 5 = ?
o   Focus on same units
o   How we do this in primary school will change how they do this in upper grades with binomials
§  This sets up the shift from saying “find the common denominator” to “lets make the units the same”
·         Add to/Change Unknown
·         Add to/Start Unknown
·         Take From/Result Unknown
·         Take From/Change Unknown
·         Take From/Start Unknown
·         Grade 2 standards involve the students understanding the relationships of numbers and operations
·         Telling is faster than guiding
o   Allow kids to muddle through
o   Pens are great in math class to see where kids made mistakes and how they self corrected- shows perseverance
·         Total Unknown
·          8 dimes and 2 nickels = 90 cents, 9 dimes, 18 nickels, 90 pennies – the unit is important, labels matter – structuring the right sequence of questions to help them come to the right understandings
·         Addend Unknown
·         Both Addends Unkown
·         Absolute Comparison Difference Unknown
·         Absolute Comparison Small Set Unknown
·         Multiplication and Division
·         Equal groups
·         Area/Arrays
·         Combinations  (not there anymore now in the 7th grade)
·         Relative comparison
·         Standards in Mathematical Practices could guide the instruction in any area
·         Caution- not everyone sees problems the same way
·         Strategies- almost always plural
·         PD
·         Have conversation about how common core state standards was developed
o   Show video
·         Join Linda Griffith about learning more about developing curriculum that will lead us to developing these standards
·         Content progressions that encompasses the standards, print them out, give them to teachers, to illuminate the standards
o   Read and study it as a team to help teachers understand their role
·         ***Every teacher that teaches mathematics needs to look at pages 88 and 89***
·         Wanted to expose us to learning progressions- be ready to receive those
·         Numbers and operations was 1/5 of the old tests… now the tests are going to be focused on the CCSS with 70% being on numbers and operations
·         This is not elementary teachers, or calculators, faults- it was because we were testing all five strands equally
·         Social constructs- like money could be an important part of a good SS lesson… temperature is a scientific phenomenon… weight is on computational pull…
·         Attend to precision – precise mathematical vocabulary… we need help from Literacy to do this--- we need help from literacy colleagues in persuasive arguments
·         Change is a process not an event

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Pictures!!!

I love posting pictures because I feel like it always helps to "see" the information we are trying to perpetuate around the district! I hope these pictures help you to better "see" some of the exciting things happening at Chicot!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Math Levels

Oh boy! I LOVE the Kentucky Center for Mathematics! They are really big into Math Recovery and have just a plethora of interesting stuff on their website! One of the things that recently caught my eye was a comparison chart between the different Math development levels and the Literacy development levels! I highly suggest you go check it out!! You can find it here... Kentucky Center for Mathematics

The different levels it lists for Math are...
Emergent Numeracy
Perceptual/Enactive Numeracy
Figurative / Iconic Numeracy
Initial Number Sequence/Counting on stage
Intermediate/Facile Number sequence/Symbolic Numeracy

THEN they list what the student should be able to do at each stage!!! How awesome is that?!?


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Do you have this book?

If not- you NEED it!!

AND you can even read it online!!

Math Work Stations

Common Core Training at Arch Ford

These past two days have been very interesting! I am listening to Linda Griffith discuss the roll out of Common Core for our state. Linda says "JUST DO IT!" We have completed some really interesting excersices... and I am going to post some pictures of the standards for Mathematical Practice.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The end is in sight!


So… I have not been very great about continuing to post this year. Maybe I can try again next year? Until then, I will leave you with some fun pictures from Chicot!

Chicot Hero Day 10202010 050             IMG_0688


IMG_0647           IMG_0672

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

Time to update the blog a little!

Here at Chicot we have been focused on Math Word Walls and also on providing excellent student feedback in the form of written commentary. I am going to update my links as well as add a few pictures!