Thursday, September 29, 2011

CIV Meeting 9/29/11

So today we listened to a teleconference with the ADE and Linda Griffith. I wanted to share the wonderful info I received today with you!


Future Meeting Dates
December 1
February 29th
May 16

Meeting is for Administrators, Math instructional facilitators, and Math content leaders

Problem types – Linda Griffith

·         K-8 need entire CCSS document- do not hand out in pieces
o   The temptation is to look at the standards in isolation but teachers need to look at grades before and after
o   Teachers need to understand how they fit
o   Teaching math is a relay race- the baton starts with K and gets handed to 1st- we can’t keep starting over each year, we have to trust now that they have less to do and a focus, we have to trust that the teachers before are doing what they need to do
o   PLCs are going to need to be across grade bands
·         AR Frameworks vs. CCSS
o   written by AR teachers FOR AR teachers
§  Mostly K-4 teachers
§  Teachers put in END results and little steps getting to the end goals
o   Proficiency levels have increased dramatically since 2004 but it is time to take the next step forward
o   CCSS written by the national working group and a three person writing team
o   Youtube video- the hunt institute
·         PROBLEM: We have treated all strands equally important, but they are not
o   CCSS- the most important thing(K-4) is help students develop number and operation
·         PROBLEM: There is no ONE problem or set of released items – use them to help understand the mathematics ideals and recognize when they are hidden in different contexts
·         PROBLEM: “We will be done by Christmas” we need to stay longer with topics to work within a set of numbers with the mathematical process standards
·         PROBLEM: textbooks have (1) not have enough problems (2) they will all be result unknown problems
o   All teachers need to be able to create these problems on the fly
·         Progressions
o   ***Content Progressions -  easy to find posted on the website
§  Narrative documents describing the progressions of a topic across a number of grade levels informed both by research on children’s cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics
§  Elaboration or illumination of the standards
§  Mccullum’s website-
§  The writers tried to make a compact document and then a more descriptive document
o   ***Learning Progressions – Where kids are in a progression to help you design an assessment (what is the learner doing)
§  harder to find the key to these is working in your plc and thinking through your experience and understandings, testing in a classroom, and then coming back to share- ina period of years there will be a whole bunch of learning progressions
§  Four interrelated guiding principales of learning progressions
·         LPs are developed and refined using available research and evidence
·         LPs have clear binding threads that articulate the essential core concepts and processes of a discipline “big ideas”
·         LPs
·         Big confusement with assessment and teaching. Giving an assessment and then grading it and handing it back to students is not teaching
o   Do not summative assess every day as your teaching
o   Formative assessment is embedded – don’t write it in your grade book all the time- get into a students’ mind to learn how they are thinking about problems
§  What will help this student move from this learning progression to the next learning progression
o   The most important assessment is not going to happen by practicing all the time
o   Stop and look carefully at work and listen to what they are saying orally
o   We’ve got to pay attention to student cognition
o   A timed test may determine if a student
§  Fuency development over time
·         Direct modeleing
·         Development of strategies
·         Moving on with imbedded practice
o   *Learning Trajectories – what teaching act is
§  Constructivists approach to learning progressions- more centered around the learner
o   Construct Maps – describe how children come to understand
§  Richard Lehrer – Vanderbilt (seems very piaget kinda guy)
§  Constance Kamii was Dr. Piaget’s last student
·         University of Alabama
·         She wanted to know how far up the line can you go with children constructing all their own knowledge
·         Students will remember and own understandings they create
·         Standards and curriculum
o   Standard is the goal
§  Standards drive curriculum
§  They do not give the learning progression necessary to achieve this goal
§  We will have to design learning trajectories for every standard for every grade
o   The curriculum is a plan for achieving the goal
§  Curriculum leads to meeting standards
o   Summative assessments measure the degree to which your curriculum is meeting your needs
o   Formative assessments inform next steps
·         Formative Assessments should determine that students are not in the same place as other students within the curriculum we need to either respond or intervene
·         We must attend to each students cognition at each step in the instructional sequence
·         Elementary level most have been through PD called cognitively guided instruction- but you need to make sure your instruction is guided and informed by the current thinking of the class
Page 88 and 89 - Operation Action (CGI)
·         She is afraid the K -2 examples on page 88 and 3-5 on page 89 will be taken as not applying to other grades
·         Additon and subtraction
o   Start/change/end
o   Putting in/taking out
o   Add to/take from – CCSS language
·         Additon and subtraction II
·         Addition and subtraction III
o   Absolute comparion
o   Compare
·         Add to/Result Unknown
o   8 + 5 = ?
o   Focus on same units
o   How we do this in primary school will change how they do this in upper grades with binomials
§  This sets up the shift from saying “find the common denominator” to “lets make the units the same”
·         Add to/Change Unknown
·         Add to/Start Unknown
·         Take From/Result Unknown
·         Take From/Change Unknown
·         Take From/Start Unknown
·         Grade 2 standards involve the students understanding the relationships of numbers and operations
·         Telling is faster than guiding
o   Allow kids to muddle through
o   Pens are great in math class to see where kids made mistakes and how they self corrected- shows perseverance
·         Total Unknown
·          8 dimes and 2 nickels = 90 cents, 9 dimes, 18 nickels, 90 pennies – the unit is important, labels matter – structuring the right sequence of questions to help them come to the right understandings
·         Addend Unknown
·         Both Addends Unkown
·         Absolute Comparison Difference Unknown
·         Absolute Comparison Small Set Unknown
·         Multiplication and Division
·         Equal groups
·         Area/Arrays
·         Combinations  (not there anymore now in the 7th grade)
·         Relative comparison
·         Standards in Mathematical Practices could guide the instruction in any area
·         Caution- not everyone sees problems the same way
·         Strategies- almost always plural
·         PD
·         Have conversation about how common core state standards was developed
o   Show video
·         Join Linda Griffith about learning more about developing curriculum that will lead us to developing these standards
·         Content progressions that encompasses the standards, print them out, give them to teachers, to illuminate the standards
o   Read and study it as a team to help teachers understand their role
·         ***Every teacher that teaches mathematics needs to look at pages 88 and 89***
·         Wanted to expose us to learning progressions- be ready to receive those
·         Numbers and operations was 1/5 of the old tests… now the tests are going to be focused on the CCSS with 70% being on numbers and operations
·         This is not elementary teachers, or calculators, faults- it was because we were testing all five strands equally
·         Social constructs- like money could be an important part of a good SS lesson… temperature is a scientific phenomenon… weight is on computational pull…
·         Attend to precision – precise mathematical vocabulary… we need help from Literacy to do this--- we need help from literacy colleagues in persuasive arguments
·         Change is a process not an event

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